Shri Shakuntlam construction Shri Shakuntlam construction
S H R I - S H A K U N T L A M

Shakuntlam Engineering Design

3D modelling

What is 3D modelling?

3D modelling is the process of creating digital three-dimensional representations of buildings to visualize, design, and communicate concepts. It aids in design development, collaboration, and presentation, allowing for realistic renderings, VR/AR experiences, and 3D printing. .

Types of 3D modelling

1. Polygonal Modeling

A Polygonal Modeling This technique involves creating 3D objects by defining their surfaces with polygons . It's widely used in architecture.


  • Polygonal modeling is effective for creating complex and detailed forms, such as buildings with intricate facades or sculptural elements.

 Polygonal Modeling

Fig : Polygonal Modeling

2. Mesh Modeling

A Mesh Modeling nvolves creating an object by manipulating a mesh made up of vertices, edges, and faces. It's useful for creating more detailed and organic forms, often used in architecture.


  • • Primarily used for adding texture, detail, and refinement to a model, especially for complex forms or architectural visualizations that require a high level of detail.

Mesh Modeling

Fig : Mesh Modeling

3. Solid Modeling

Solid modeling involves the creation of solid 3D objects that are mathematically defined by their volume and surface properties. It’s more accurate than surface modeling, as it ensures that objects have physical properties.


  • • Ideal for technical, structural, and mechanical elements of buildings, such as foundations, beams, columns, and structural components.

 Solid modeling

Fig : Solid modeling


Choosing us over others gives you a distinct advantage. At Shri Shakuntlam Construction, we don’t just focus on creating stunning 3D model; we ensure that every detail, from the design to the materials . We prioritize both aesthetic appeal and structural integrity, ensuring that your home’s 3D design not only looks impressive but also it helps in visualizing the design, ensuring the final product aligns with the original vision.

Like you can distinguish our work from others on three practical scientific implementations, these are as follows-

  •     Effective space of the available space
  •     User well-being
  •     Functional design to optimize the resources

We firmly believe construction is a precise science at its core because it requires a deep understanding of materials, structural integrity, and the environment to create safe and durable buildings. At Shri Shakuntlam Construction, our experts excel in this field, ensuring every project is built to the highest standards with precision and care.

When a team of construction experts works together, every project becomes a masterpiece. We have professional, skilled builders in Bihar, Jharkhand who know how to bring your vision to life with precision and quality.

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